Woman learns someone is illegally renting out her dad's house: ‘This should be a Netflix documentary'

A woman on TikTok shared a bizarre sequence of events that commenters have likened to a Netflix documentary. Erica (@sillysloth66) posted a video t...

March 8, 2023
3:36 AM

A woman on TikTok shared a bizarre sequence of events that commenters have likened to a Netflix documentary. Erica (@sillysloth66) posted a video to the platform claiming her father's home was illegally rented out on Airbnb. #greenscreen excuse me what the fuck? Im waiting to hear back from the realtor if we need to call the cops #orangecounty #airbnbfinds #airbnbexperience #breaking #squatters #socal #fyp #fy #alisoviejo #wtf #realtor #airbnb #airbnbhost #airbnbtips 'I'm at work, and I was just informed by my dad's HOA that his house was found on Airbnb and that it is a violation against their HOA bylaws,' she begins.

Neia Balao